*This post about setting up a blog contains affiliate links, 101facets might earn if you purchase from these links without extra costs for you. Thanks for your support.
Perhaps you’ve seen an advertisement such as above while browsing a friend’s facebook, twitter, or instagram accounts. You get curious and click on that ad but you can’t understand all the jargons, but before you leave – you clicked on an advertisement about your favorite shoe brand shown in the middle of the page. You then leave without really bothering about it and went on to buy the shoes. The moment you clicked that ad and buy something though, you gave the page owner some money as a deal with ad platforms, and I’m sure he or she is grateful even if she wouldn’t know it’s you.
It’s true, you can make money with your blog but it takes time to build it up. It’s not an overnight success for most of us. Although there really are bloggers who make 5-figures, even 6, soon enough.
I started blogging in 2008 and 101Facets is one of the 15 niches I kept. This is my quest from being a SAHM to becoming a WAHM (at least for a little bit). Read on to pick some points on the basic steps to setting up a blog to be able to monetize it later on even if it’s just worth a few dollars at first.
Table of Contents
Deciding to Blog
Why do Bloggers blog? For many reasons: some blog for fun, others to share their knowledge, some to have an outlet for their passion, and others for the money. Blogging can be a business if you put time and effort to it (business being defined as the organized efforts and activities to produce and sell goods and services for profit).
Whichever the reason you pick, here’s hoping 101Facets can help. Before blogging, you need to know that it takes time. It’s like researching before you write for a regular job. Writing blog articles also need a structure that will make it both entertaining and informative, you don’t want it boring but you wouldn’t want it to lack substance.
Free Versus Hosted Blog Platforms
There are many free blogsites you can start your blog with. To get a feel of it, sign up to blogger.com or wordpress.com and get a look around.
I chose blogger when I was starting as I was introduced here by some cyberfriends whose blog piqued my interest. Blogger is google owned, it is easy to navigate. While the extension is blogspot.com, it is more commonly known as blogger which is the contracted word for weblogger; someone who maintains a blog. Blogger offers domains, so you can host your blog on your own name.com without having to pay for hosting.
You can of course go self-hosted and buy your domain name from available registrars, which will later be your brand. Getting your own domain name has advantages to it.
Getting a Host
It is important to choose a host like you would a bank.
Choosing a web host for your site takes a bit of time and your decision will entail either headache or bliss when it comes to your blog.
A hosting service is where all your blog data will be stored. It is important that it is known for being online 24/7 to ensure that your blog is always accessible. Our host for 101Facets is Wealthy Affiliate, it’s a hosting platform and an affiliate marketing university in one. Their package prices could be steep compared to others but it’s really worth their services.
Start a Blog with Wealthy Affiliate today and learn how to earn money thru their platform!
Here are some of the things you should look for in a host:
– Competent and fast replying support system
One thing I like about WA is that they reply in a matter of minutes (if not seconds) and will help you until you’re satisfied with your inquiry.
– SSL certificate inclusion
An SSL or Secure Sockets Layer is a technology that authorizes the browsers and servers to transmit and receive data in a securely manner via an encrypted connection called HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).
– Safe and secure
The biggest headache you will face when blogging are malware attacks, viruses and such injected by malicious people who have nothing better to do.
Cheaper But Competent Options
There are of course hosting services that offer great packages with fees that won’t break the bank.

Picking a Niche
To make it easier to blog, it is best to narrow down to a topic of expertise. You could write about anything under the sun and be an expert about it if you aren’t already are. For example, fashion is such a wide topic, it is the umbrella category for dresses, jackets, shoes, shirts, pants, and many more.
Each of the topics mentioned are also parent categories for many other niches. Dresses could be maxi-dresses, skater dress, tutu dresses, among the 50+ types of dresses according to the cut. Shoes could be volleyball shoes, running shoes, climbing shoes, depending on function. There are endless of niches around, and surely there’s one that not a lot writes about if none at all.
Case in point, if you have a baby and you have been looking for the best stroller around but couldn’t find any, you can make a blog that reviews each and every single stroller around. (Speaking from experience, as I had about 15 strollers when my kids were younger). You can also pick a specialty from all the stroller types to narrow down your niche. Like they say, necessity is the mother of invention – in blogging, experience bores a niche along with expertise!
We wrote about deciding on a niche here, and it means providing solutions to problems or answers to questions. So if you have identified a need waiting for supplication, go for it, be the provider.
Deciding on and Registering Your Domain Name
Once you’ve decided on a niche, it’s time to pick your domain name. For example, if you decide on strollers having experience on using a number of them, you can choose BestStrollers.com or add the area you are in: BestStrollersSeattle.com, StrollersForToddlersSeattle.com – you both have your niche and area which will be your target audience.
Click here to see our tips to consider when picking your domain name. Remember that your domain name will be tied to your blog for a long time and you, and it’s always what your niche, audience, and brand will revolve around.
When you have finalized on your choice of domain name, register it – webhosts usually have domain registration services too costing from 14$ and up, but Namecheap.com stands by its name costing as low as 0.98$ on promo and some starting at $3.98/year.
Setting Up Your Blog
Once you’ve bought your hosting and domain, you can now start with the technical aspects of your blog.
– Install WordPress
Some hosting provide wordpress installation for free. It’s pretty easy and will be finished in a matter of seconds (which wasn’t the case during the earlier blogging years). You can follow the instructions here if your hosting doesn’t provide this service, or if you are brave enough to do things yourself.
– Select a Theme
Having a theme that is SEO-friendly, stylish, and not heavy will prove worth it in the long run, even if its costs a hundred or more dollars.
Personally, 17th Avenue and LovelyConfetti themes are two of the Feminine theme developers I really like. Envato also ha a lot of beautiful themes, that are SEO-friendly and elegant. I’ve purchased a number of themes before but something is always lacking. The one that I have now is just perfect for what I want 101facets to be.
– Install Plugins
Social Media Accounts
Finalities in Setting Up A Blog
Blog Launch
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