While a lot of products today come in single serve packaging, there are still some things that you should buy in bulk in order to stretch your grocery budget. Buying in bulk can work to your advantage when you schedule your trips to your local grocery store in synch with your family’s consumption of goods. This way, you do not find your pantry and storage overstocked with things that you do not need or always deficient of your kitchen staple. Wise up on your grocery buying habits and save a lot of money on your budget by buying some of your staples in bulk. Take note of these buying-in-bulk tips:
Scout for the best bulk grocery stores. There are several grocery stores that specialize in bulk sales. Check out these bulk sales outlets and see whether they have what you need in prices that are considerably lower than your regular retail outlets. Some of these bulk sales outlets have membership fees so try to work these fees into your calculations too. In most cases, the membership fees are minimal that you can actually recoup your “investment” on your first shopping trip. Your regular retail outlets might also have bulk sales sections which you may want to check out as well.
Keep an eye out for promotional sales. From time to time, you would find certain stores offering bulk sales promotions. These offers may include price slash discounts and free items for bulk purchases. Make sure, though, that you check the merchandise that you are buying. Check for damaged goods or goods that are nearing their expiration dates. Buying perishable goods in bulk is not always recommended unless they are going to be used immediately.
Don’t overdo it. It would not be wise for you to buy everything that seems to be cheaper to buy in bulk. You do not want to use up a huge chunk of your grocery budget for something that will not be consumed by your family within the next few months. It would also be a great waste to see the rest of the bulk items you bought go bad before you are able to use them. In this case, your savings from buying in bulk would simply be a waste of good money you could have used for other necessities. A good way to take advantage of bulk prices without overstocking would be to share your “goodies” with friends or family members who use the same products.
Remember that buying in bulk will save you money only if your purchases are carefully planned so do take time to prepare your grocery list before hitting the stores.
agree… much better kung bulk ang bibilin mo kasi mostly kasi may mga discount yun.. at isa pa may benefits din sau.. kasi di ba tumataas ang mga price ng mga bilihin ngaun.. so meron kang nasave for the other month o sa susunod pa..
stuff like bath and laundry soap, toothpaste and other cleaning materials that are use everyday, those are the ones I’m always stocking specially if there are ongoing sales in stores. And yes I saved more that buying in small portions.
Promos always work for me; I seem to have a hankering for them, sort of. And I’m sometimes guilty of overdoing it, the pack rat that I am 😉
same with josie, i also buy in bulk the home necessities especially the laundry and cleaning agents plus the kitchen supplies like sugar, cooking oil, soy sauce etc.
I shop once a month and it includes my monthly supply of groceries and I really buy in bulk because I can save more.
I do my groceries every week. Since I am a milk person, I always buy in bulk when it comes to milk.
i agree, it pays to plan and buy in bulk and there are always some promo or coupons available…
It’s really better to buy in bulk that have a single purchase.
But, sometimes you need not buy several items especially when
the budget does not agree with the price.
Love this post! I am one of those who love buying things in bulk, actually even when I eat out, I tend to order a lot more especially when there are promos like 50% on certain dishes. BUT, I definitely agree that overdoing it is very wrong. We just have to buy things we need, and we’re sure to use up in a certain time.. 🙂
I usually bring a calculator when grocery shopping. Buying in bulk here in the PH is more expensive most of the time.